Grape, Mandarin, Plum

Grape, Mandarin, Plum

Item information

Astrid Medina

Item information

Tolimo, Colombia


Variety: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia

Processing: Washed

Origin: Tolimo, Colombia

Producers: Finca Buena Vista

Altitude: 1770-2000M


As a third generation farmer, coffee is the driving force in Astrid's life which pushes her to achieve phenomenal heights and having a positive impact on the surrounding community. The 15 hectare farm, Finca Buena Vista, is located in an area of Colombia once known for being caught in the cross-fire of internal conflicts. All of that changed when Astrid’s coffee won the 2015 Cup of Excellence in Columbia. Since then, Astrid and other coffee producers in Planadas Tolima region have invested heavily in improving their farms and the lives of their workers who perform much of the work, such as picking ripe cherries, by hand. Astrid is especially proud that specialty coffee has given her the opportunity to educate and support her children. The result of this focused passion and dedication to the art and craft of growing coffee is a consistently excellent product that we are proud to share with members of the club.

We noticed a bright and punchy coffee when cupping this year's lot–zesty oranges with pleasing stone fruit notes, that finishes sweet and sugary. Got it? Great, let’s brew!

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3.5 out of 5

Dark stone fruits with separate acidity.

It took me a bit to dial this one in, as the acidity extracted more or less independent of the fruit notes. But at the balance point I get flavors like the dark fruit around a peach pit, low sweetness, and moderate body. I've been enjoying many quietly satisfying cups since.

Jacob MacDonald


Member Since

April '18