Chocolate, Lime

Chocolate, Lime

Item information

Classic: El Eden

Item information

Huila, Colombia


Variety: Colombia, Castillo

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huila, Colombia

Producers: William Carillo

Altitude: 1800m

Cup Score (Importer): 87

Farm Size: 2 Hectares

This coffee comes to us through Nordic Approach's partnership with Coocentral - a producer's cooperative in Huila working to improve the livelihoods of small-holder farmers in the region. The coop provides mentorship and training for small-holders to expand their operations and improve their production practices - which can make a big difference since almost all producers in Colombia process their beans on-site. Rather than delivering cherry to a central mill for processing, farmers pulp, process, and dry their cherry themselves and deliver green coffee in parchment to mills or coops. Coocentral has been providing support to Huila's coffee producers since 2005, and has distributed more than $2.8 Million in funding for community initiatives (education, infrastructure, etc) and coffee development (fertilizer drives, crop insurance, etc.) It's great to support coffee that's making a positive impact - and it's easy to do when it tastes this good!

This lot of Colombia & Castillo beans gives off a rich and complex dark chocolate note that contrasts really nicely with the Huila acidity upfront and helps keep the cup balanced and smooth. If you're a fan of Huila coffees - this may be the most emblematic coffee of the region we've come across in quite a few seasons. Enjoy!

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4.0 out of 5

Balanced and predictable

I had this coffee on Chemex this morning (20g/350ml). It was delicious, easy to drink, balanced, and somewhat predictable. A tasty Columbia nonetheless!

James Dear


Member Since

December '20