Cherry, Grape, Citrus

Cherry, Grape, Citrus

Item information

El Diviso '23

Item information

Planades, Tolima, Colombia


Variety: Castillo

Processing: Washed

Origin: Planades, Tolima, Colombia

Producers: John Edison Molano

Altitude: 1900 masl

We've shipped a lot of coffees from John Edison Molano's farm in Tolima and I'm delighted to revisit him this year. He produces some great washed Colombian coffees that I really enjoy drinking. Far from just coffee bombs, these coffees are fruity and sweet and a delight in your cup. He also has a dope parrot!

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5.0 out of 5

Distinct yet well-rounded

I love this coffee, especially as my "after lunch" brew. It has a distinct and almost specific taste but sits (lightly) right in the middle of nougat and dark chocolate.

Kirsten ☕️


Member Since

April '13