Stone Fruit, Tropical, Milk Chocolate

Stone Fruit, Tropical, Milk Chocolate

Item information

El Filo

Item information

El Cedral, Santa Barbara, Honduras


Variety: Pacas

Processing: Washed

Origin: El Cedral, Santa Barbara, Honduras

Producers: Danny Moreno

Altitude: 1550 masl

Long standing members will recognize the name Danny Moreno. We've been shipping coffee from his farm and family for a bunch of years now. The reason we love his coffee so much is how consistently unique it is. He's producing delightful sweet fruity clean washed coffees that are right up our flavor profile alley, and I'm delighted to share them with you. This coffee is a perfect example and is a pleasure to drink, I think you'll agree!

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5.0 out of 5

El Filio

Chocolate and blueberry were the taste profiles for me.. It was so aromatic and smooth!

Margaret Klun


Member Since

December '23

4.5 out of 5

One of our favorites!!!!!

Cocoa, a sweetness, tropical taste was great

Lawrence Titus


Member Since

September '23