Cherry Caramel Orange

Cherry Caramel Orange

Item information


Item information

Valle de Cauca, Colombia


Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Typica, and Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Valle de Cauca, Colombia

Producers: Cencoic

Altitude: 1400 - 2200

This coffee is from the Valle de Cauca region of Colombia. It's a region that we don't focus on as much but one I'm delighted to revisit. Femenino - named for the female members of the Nasa tribe - is fruit forward with cherry and Orange but has a delicious caramel base. A chocolate orange if you will. I think it tastes delicious and I'm excited to share it with the club!

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5.0 out of 5

Loved it

I loved everything about this coffee. The best part of this coffee is sticking my nose in the bag and smelling the beans. Very smooth complex flavor with fruit notes. Thank You!

Tom Hamill


Member Since

December '23