Blackberry, Lime, Walnut, Honey

Blackberry, Lime, Walnut, Honey

Item information

Finca Carrizal

Item information

Central Valley, Costa Rica


Variety: Caturra

Processing: Honey

Origin: Central Valley, Costa Rica

Producers: Rodolfo E. Boillat

Altitude: 1500 m

It's been a while since we shipped a juicy Costa Rican Honey so here y'all go!

With lovely blackberry on the front with some interesting savory walnut notes on the finish, this coffee is delicisou.

The honey process is mid way between washed and natural process (some of the mucilage is allowed to stay on the cherry while it dries). So if naturals are a little too intense it's well worth trying a honey to see if you can get some of those fruity flavors while enjoying the sweetness and brightness you get from washed coffees.

I'm really enjoying this one.

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5.0 out of 5

Light and sweet

A naturally sweet coffee. Smells so good after grinding. Tastes amazing. It is a lighter coffee than I usually drink in the morning. Will use when making a sweet coffee treat like an affogato.

Beth Allen


Member Since

September '24