Grapefruit, tangerine, sprite

Grapefruit, tangerine, sprite

Item information


Item information

Kirinyaga, Kenya


Varietal: SL28, SL34

Processing: Washed

Origin: Kirinyaga, Kenya

Producers: Various smallholders

Altitude: 1600 masl

Tasting Notes: Grapefruit, Tangerine, Sprite

Description: This delicious Kenyan AA from Kirinyaga County, Kenya is everything I'm looking for in a Kenyan coffee. Bright, sweet and fruity. We are getting grapefruit, tangerine, cranberry and a flavor we are calling sprite - think a nice lemon and lime sweetness on the finish. We've shipped Tasting Series coffees from this washing station before, so you know they are good. It's a tasty coffee and I hope you enjoy it !

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5.0 out of 5


One of the best recent coffees I have tried. A fairly random trial, due to a review I read somewhere. Loved it. Shipping took forever due to holidays and snow. Hope this isn't a pattern. Coffee was worth the wait.

Ronald Hatcher


Member Since

February '16