Mango, Berries, Brown Sugar

Mango, Berries, Brown Sugar

Item information

La Pena Blanca 2022

Item information

Cajamarca, Peru


Variety: Red Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Cajamarca, Peru

Producers: Roxana Rafael

Altitude: 1800m

Farm Size: 80 Hectares, 4 in production

Roxana Rafael's farm La Peña Blanca is in the Cajamarca region of Peru, where she lives with her husband and their young child. They farm 4 hectares of catimor and red bourbon plants that are wet-processed and dried on-site under shaded raised beds. They also grow some cassava and corn to eat, but the majority of their land is preserved as forest, which helps keep the biodiversity of the region up, and provides ample shade for the coffee trees.

We're loving how sweet and bright this coffee is - rich tastes of tropical fruit and some grapefruit acidity make for a cup that's equal parts mellow and energetic. It's a tough balance to strike, which is why we get so excited when we find delicious coffees like this to share with the club.

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5.0 out of 5

Solid brew!

Enjoyed immensely! One of my favorite of the washed variety.

Jordan Crosby


Member Since

November '20

4.0 out of 5

Sweet and tangy

Nice and sharp up front, just the way I like it, but also balanced so that it’s not overwhelming. A good sweet and fruity coffee

Mark Russell


Member Since

January '21

5.0 out of 5


Really pleasant cuppa, no harsh edges at all

Jason May

Los Altos

Member Since

December '14

5.0 out of 5

My favorite!

Rich, well balanced taste - bring back some more please!

Kirsten ☕️


Member Since

April '13