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Lalo Lot 5 Natural
Variety: Heirloom
Processing: Natural
Crop Year: 2015/16
Origin: Jimma Zone, Atnago, Ethiopia
Farm Owners: Mohammed & Mehbuba Lalo
Site Manager: Mohammed Museyen
Farm Details: 200 ha, 3300 trees per hectare, 3 natural springs
Altitude: 1950m
This beautiful fresh crop heirloom coffee is another delicious offering from Nordic Approach. This sweet, slightly spicy coffee comes from Mohammed and Mehbuba Lalo's impressive farm in the Jimma zone of Ethiopia. Most independent farms in Ethiopia don't have the facilities to keep lots separate once picked, but the Lalo farm has sufficient dry beds and milling facilities to maintain the separation of their coffees through processing. This means the coffees don't mix, resulting in flavors unique to each lot. These beans come from the same lot 5 that we've shipped from Lalo before, but have been natural processed instead of washed. This produces a sharper, more tart flavor profile that we're really digging this week. It's always fun to see how different processes can change a coffee's flavor, and it helps when you start with beans as delicious as these ones!
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