Blackberry, Caramel, Papaya

Blackberry, Caramel, Papaya

Item information

Los Dos Socios

Item information

Huehuetenango, Guatemala


Variety: Caturra

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Producers: Don Concepcion Villatoro Matias

Altitude: 1700m

The name "Los Dos Socios" was selected by Don Concepcion Villatoro Matias to refer to "the two associates" involved in producing coffee at his farm: himself and God. His approach has been a simple one since purchasing the farm in 1990: plant bourbon and caturra varietals under shade trees, tend them well, and keep parcels separated to maintain unique lots. His farm in Huehuetenango is up high with a view of the mountains, making for a lovely place to live and work. Huehuetenango is one of Guatemala's prized coffee-growing regions, and with coffees as vibrant and exciting as this one, it's easy to see why.

The flavor profile we're getting out of Los Dos Socios is a thing of beauty: a juicy blackberry note, some really rich caramel smoothness, and a zing of bright papaya all working together. It reminds us of the coffee cherries we snacked on while visiting farms in Guatemala earlier this year actually - the juicy, sweet, and tangy combination of flavors is a great way to describe the taste of the fruit surrounding a coffee bean. As long days of farm visits wore on, it was neat to see farmers picking a few cherries and snacking - even before it's processed, roasted, and brewed, coffee can provide small moments to enjoy. We hope you appreciate all the hard work that went into these beans, and that you enjoy your brews of Los Dos Socios all the more for it!

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2.5 out of 5

not bad

didnt care much for the fruity aftertaste but if thats your thing this might work for you

jacobo leon


Member Since

August '19

4.0 out of 5


A mild coffee overall with subtle flavors and aromas. The light body brings clarity for dark berry and cocoa. Nothing too remarkable, just a nice cup to start the day.

On 08/28/19 Daniel S Bieler said

Edit: Fined up the grind quite a bit for the aeropress and got a completely different cup. Tasted peach and some cinnamon in the finish. Awesome

Daniel S Bieler


Member Since

September '18

5.0 out of 5


One of my all-time favorites: rich, full-bodied, with a bright tinge, and a warm, robust caramelization.

Ethan R


Member Since

October '15

4.0 out of 5

Los Dos Socios

Light roast coffee drinkers look for subtle tastes from their beans. Los Dos Socios delivers a juicy and caramel-like taste that I really enjoy. Excellent coffee!

Randall LaLonde


Member Since

July '15

5.0 out of 5

Really loved this one

My only disappointment was when my wife took it with her on her work trip and told me to stick it out with the “other” coffee. She really liked this one.

Douglas G Phillips


Member Since

April '18

3.5 out of 5

Not Too Shabby, Not Too Shabby

Pretty good, pretty good. Nothing to order a sky-writing about. But I was happy with it.

Joseph Frantz

Fort Myers

Member Since

December '16

3.5 out of 5

Good if you’re into that kind of thing

I personally like more intense flavor profiles, this one is very delicate. But I think if you enjoy delicate cups, this one is great.

Zak Clayton


Member Since

August '18

3.0 out of 5

It's okay

When I made the coffee, it was very light but smelled delicious. It tasted good.

Jacqueline Erwin


Member Since

September '19