Tasting Notes: Blueberry, Tropical Fruit, Complex

Tasting Notes: Blueberry, Tropical Fruit, Complex

Item information


Item information

Huila, Colombia


Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Tabi

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huila, Colombia

Producers: Joiner Astudillo

Altitude: 1700m

Finca Miranda is a medium-sized coffee farm in the Palestina municipality at the far southern reaches of Huila department. Joiner Astudillo grows Caturra, Castillo, and some Tabi varietals across 7 hectares of land, and processes the beans together to create lots that present the unique flavor of Finca Miranda. This lot was processed using the traditional washed method and a 24 hour soaking period. The beans were then dried slowly on parabolic beds for about 15 days - ensuring that their moisture content remained consistent and controlled throughout the process.

Finca Miranda is a delicious cup of coffee with some truly unique traits. This one brews like a tasty puzzle: lots of complex flavors at play including tropical fruit sweetness and a juicy blueberry-like note that we usually only taste in Ethiopian coffees. We discover new tastes with each brew of this coffee and we think you will too - so grab your favorite brewing device and get ready to explore!

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4.0 out of 5

Very Good but not GREAT

This coffee was very different in that pretty much everything from Columbia is a 5 star affair. But the "complexity" of this was a little distracting so I would rate it slightly lower. To me, complex means a flavor that can't be pinned down so let's just call it complex.

Will Hemminger


Member Since

January '16

4.0 out of 5


Brewed nice cup with a medium body and rich flavor. Did not get much fruit other than a light blueberry in the aroma during the first few days. A classic Colombian profile that's always a good start to the day and brews easy. Just didn't get anything distinct or memorable.

Daniel S Bieler


Member Since

September '18

3.5 out of 5

Pretty Good

The mix of flavors was a bit distracting. It was difficult to pick one out to savor. This is the first coffee I've tried from this service, so perhaps I'm not yet used to drinking coffees with more complex flavors.

Mario Costa

Glen Ridge

Member Since

June '19

5.0 out of 5

Lighter tasting/body

with definite fruity notes, a bit light for my mornings, so sometimes I mix it with a bolder flavor 2:1. But, an excellent afternoon coffee.

Melanie Claire Wiggins McMillan


Member Since

April '18