Apple, Almond, Milk Chocolate

Apple, Almond, Milk Chocolate

Item information


Item information

Intibuca, Honduras


Variety: Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Intibuca, Honduras

Producers: Wilmur Grau

Altitude: 1670M


Wilmur Grau is focused on producing great tasting coffee of his own, but also has an active role in the coffee producing community in the department of Intibuca. He routinely holds meetings to educate and bring together best practices of coffee production. Wilmur is even known to process coffee for his mother, Joaquina Montoya Alvarado! HIs process is unique to the farm in that his use of a small hand depulper connected to a motor, before dry fermenting the parchment and washing through a channel.

The resulting coffee produces a rich mature apple with milk chocolate and a syrupy finish. We also have found coconut and lychee notes when cupping. What a combination! Very excited for the Club to brew this wonderful coffee from an exciting region!

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4.0 out of 5

Smooth and tasty

Reading these tasting notes, I'm trying to figure out - what the heck is a mature apple? An apple with a 401(k)? That aside, I think I get it. It's sort of a riper apple aroma that surrounds the cup. The milk chocolate creaminess is the most dominant note/texture for me, I do get a bit of the almond and syrupy finish but it's subtle. Overall, a pleasant, smooth cup. A nice way to start the morning.

Rob Brayer


Member Since

September '20

5.0 out of 5


Creamy, delicious hot and cold!

Kirsten ☕️


Member Since

April '13

4.0 out of 5

Delicious, full, smooth, not too acidic

Loved the milk chocolate flavor and the mellowness. With most light roasts high acidity is my only complaint, but this one wasn't too acidic at all, and manages to have a rich flavor without being too over the top.

Elisabeth Marsch

Spring Hill

Member Since

January '21