Tasting Notes: Plum, Cane Sugar, Floral

Tasting Notes: Plum, Cane Sugar, Floral

Item information

Nimu Silas

Item information

Kayanza, Burundi


Variety: Bourbon

Processing: Washed

Origin: Kayanza, Burundi

Producers: Nimu Silas

Altitude: 1700-2000m

Cup Score (Importer): 88

This washed coffee is a selection of high-quality bourbon beans from all four of Salum Ramadhan's washing stations in Burundi. Nimu Silas is the name of Salum's quality manager, and this lot was crafted specifically by Nimu out of cherries they received from small-holders across all of their different washing stations. Salum and Nimu are extremely detail-oriented when it comes to their beans - multiple rounds of hand-sorting and rigorous production protocols produce honey, natural, and washed coffees with exceptional clarity of flavor. Competition is fierce in Burundi for high-quality coffee, so Salum and Nimu often pay well above market price to secure cherry from their favorite small-holders and invest in local infrastructure projects that will help farmers grow coffee and deliver it to the washing station.

Nimu Silas is essentially a greatest hits album of African coffee flavors. There's a juicy plum note, raw cane sugar sweetness, and a strong floral quality that's evident even in the aroma of the brew. It makes sense that the coffee named after the quality manager would be a showstopper, but we were still blown away by how enjoyable this cup is. Grab your favorite brewing method and get ready for an unforgettable coffee.

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5.0 out of 5

One of the best African coffee

Brewed with V60. The tasting notes are on point: juicy, sweet and very aromatic. I couldn't resist brewing a second cup

Kenny C


Member Since

October '18

5.0 out of 5

Smooth and delicious

Ed Pfrenger

Brook Park

Member Since

September '18

5.0 out of 5

The best yet

Send me more of this type

Brennen M Endres


Member Since

March '19

4.0 out of 5


I enjoyed this coffee. I wasn't sure how I would feel about the Floral, since I prefer more of the nut and chocolate notes, but the flavor was excellent!

Jennifer Crocker

Santa Monica

Member Since

June '19

5.0 out of 5

Fantastic Burundi coffee

Extremely clean on the nose, light and floral as noted. First sip showcases the sweetness, but it's not overly sweet (artificial) or heavy (syrupy). Following sips bring out the plum or even a mango close to the pit kind of tartness, not sour. Great all around coffee for those who enjoy African coffees.

On 12/31/19 BJ said

Wahoo! Glad you're digging this one - gotta love a peaberry. :)

Chris Greer

State College, PA, 16801

Member Since

September '18

4.5 out of 5

One of my favorite African coffees

In contrast to many African roasts, Nimu Silas won't hit you over the head with acid and high notes. It's exceedingly well-balanced, with a nice robust backbone of caramel and subtle high floral high notes. A well-balanced finish rounds it out. Sublime.

Ethan R


Member Since

October '15

5.0 out of 5


First time I brewed this I was blown away. It has a rich body but not heavy, it's so easy to drink. Love love love this coffee.

Karen Cheng


Member Since

January '19

4.0 out of 5

Great body, was a big hit here at home!



Member Since

November '19