Milk chocolate, lemon, raisin

Milk chocolate, lemon, raisin

Item information

Primos Unidos

Item information

Huehuetenango, Guatemala


Variety: Bourbon, Caturra

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Producers: Jenner Villatoro, Finca Villaure

Altitude: 1850-2000

Jenner is one of the five third-generation Villatoros bringing their enthusiasm and education to bear on the Villatoros farms in Huehuetenango. We’ve roasted many coffees from Villaure in the last few years. Including some COE lots so it’s exciting to ship some of the younger generations coffees.

This lot “primos unidos” meaning “united cousins” is a collaboration between the cousins of the family. It is the result of tireless cuppings of each days picking to result in a sweet complex profile that represents the land on which it is grown.

I think they’ve done a great job in focusing the chocolate flavor inherent in these coffees and combining it with the bunch of lemon, all the time balanced by a delicious sweetness. We aim for delicious coffees at MCC and I think this just might be one.

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5.0 out of 5

Great classic coffee

Like the well balanced acidity, chocolatey, hint of citrus behind the sweetness. Great choice for those who need a break from the brightness of the more exotic varietals.

David Morton


Member Since

June '16