Cherry, Grapefruit, Lemon, Chocolate

Cherry, Grapefruit, Lemon, Chocolate

Item information

Reko '24

Item information

Reko, Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia


Variety: Heirloom

Processing: Washed

Origin: Reko, Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia

Producers:Reko Smallholders

Altitude: 1950-2150 ,

Long standing members will remember the name Reko. We’ve shipped many coffees down the years from this washing station in Yirgacheffe and this year I’m delighted to be doing it again. As ever Reko does not disappoint. It’s sweet and flavourful with fabulous juice. With tasty citrus and cherry fruit it is a real treat!

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5.0 out of 5

Beautifully balanced

Surprisingly full but subtle flavor on this one. A good deal of fruit with the washed process. But still lingering floral notes and wonderful balance throughout.

Hovig Tchalian


Member Since

January '21