Tasting Notes: Strawberry, Vanilla, Floral

Tasting Notes: Strawberry, Vanilla, Floral

Item information

Sambewe AB

Item information

Songwe, Tanzania


Variety: Kent

Processing: Washed

Origin: Songwe, Tanzania

Producers: Sambewe AMCOS

Altitude: 1600-1800m

Cup Score (Importer): 87

Coop Group Membership: 344 members

We're happy to bring another Tanzanian to the club - Sambewe AB! In 2018 the Tanzanian Coffee Board overhauled their trading rules to create a centralized, auction-style system similar to Ethiopia. This gives every buyer access to more of the country's coffees - but makes traceability and reinvestment in quality producers a bit more difficult. Thankfully, as producers and exporters adjust to the new rules, they are finding new ways to highlight exceptional quality coffees like the lots we're sharing with the club! This coffee was grown by small-holders in and around Sambewe and was brought together for sorting and processing at the Sambewe washing station. Most of the farmers in the area have small plots of land of around 2 hectares or less, and utilize traditional methods of cultivation like pruning and organic composting to produce their crops. They are members of an Agriculture Marketing Cooperative Society (AMCOS) - which is a collective group that processes and markets coffees from different regions in Tanzania.

The sweetness and floral quality of this cup can't be overstated - we're picking up on some lovely strawberry notes and a flowery fragrance similar to jasmine. A smooth hint of vanilla is also present, which makes the overall cup a delight to drink with a profile that's distinct and well-defined. That's probably in-part thanks to recent improvements at the washing station - including new fermentation tanks and pulping equipment. Water is a limited resource in many areas of Tanzania, so having equipment that can process washed coffees efficiently both improves coffee quality and makes the operation more sustainable, which is a delicious win-win. This is our second year of sourcing Tanzanian coffees with Nordic Approach - and with how great they've been so far - we can't wait to see what next year's lots will taste like! But for now - brew up and enjoy.

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4.0 out of 5

Nice lighter style

It’s a bright and floral coffee that is nice on a slow morning. I personally prefer more body and aroma and lean more towards the nutty coffees with mocha and earthy tones.

Matthew Modica

Santa Rosa Beach

Member Since

October '17

4.5 out of 5

Super tart.

And I dig the extreme tart/sour/acidic flavors. There's certainly some depth underneath, but I'm finding it hard to bring out the sweetness without brewing a watery cup. In any case, this is right up my alley and I'll happily tinker with the rest of the bag given the delicious base flavor of my first few attempts.

On 04/01/20 BJ said

Glad you're enjoying! It's a really bright coffee - so there's lots to tinker with. :)

Jacob MacDonald


Member Since

April '18

5.0 out of 5

Fragrant and delicious

This is a terrific cup. Fragrant and delicious. Perfect for the aero press.

Will Bklyn


Member Since

January '16

4.5 out of 5

Pairs with Hu Dark Chocolate

The brightness provides counterbalance to a deep, dark dairy free chocolate. Hu especially pairs well.

James D Johnson


Member Since

February '17

5.0 out of 5

Smooth and went down a treat

Just what I was looking for this week, smooth, slightly sweet, light. Went down a treat

Helena Reilly


Member Since

July '16